Terms and conditions of use of the website

In order to ensure the proper functioning of our website www.hostelbarrio.com and to offer you a quality service, we will explain below the conditions that govern the use of it. The use of this site implies acceptance of these conditions by users, who undertake to read carefully. The owner of this website reserves the right to modify, add or delete any part of these conditions at any time, so it is important that the user carefully reads this text in each of his visits, as this may apply modifications.

Ownership of the website

This website is owned by the commercial entity HOSTEL URUGUAY SA DE CV. with address at Xiximes no 14, Col. El Caracol, Coyoacán, CDMX, México, c.p 04739, Mexico, Tel: +52(55) 4040 987 and provided with R.F.C.: HUR201007UU4, and registered in the Mexican Mercantile Registry – Mexico

Service description

This website offers information related to the activity, products and services of the owner.

Intellectual and industrial property

The intellectual property rights relating to the elements appearing on this website, such as trademarks, trade names, logos, domain names, photographs, texts, etc., are the property of the owner of the website or of third parties and are protected by national and international laws.

Unauthorized use of these elements (images, text, logos, or any other material appearing on the website) such as reproduction, publication, modification, addition, deletion, or any other activity that is performed without the express authorization of the website´s owner will entail the effective violation of the legislation on intellectual and industrial property, and other laws that are applicable.


The owner of the website reserves the possibility of making the modifications that he deems appropriate in the products or services offered through this website, without the need for prior notice.

The offers will be valid only during the period established in the advertisement(s), or in their absence, during the time they remain accessible to the recipients of the service for their effective reservation.

Usage limitations

This website is for personal use and never commercial. It is prohibited to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, reproduce, publish, market, sell or any other activity that may be carried out with the content of this website, or even citing the sources, without the written consent of the owner of the site.

The user guarantees that he will not use this website for purposes that are unlawful or prohibited by these conditions.

Users are expressly prohibited from infringing or attempting to violate the security measures established for the proper functioning of the website, including, but not limited to: accessing information or data of a reserved nature not intended for use directly by the visitor, sending viruses, mass mailing (spamming). The violation or attempts of violation of the system´s security or of the reserved information will give the right to the holder of the site to pursue this activity and demand the clearance of civil or criminal liabilities, if any.



The owner of the site will not be responsible for the information